Saving money on moving supplies

Saving money on moving supplies

Moving supplies can be very expensive, but the good news is that there are methods of saving money when it comes to packing materials.  If you hire a professional moving company then it will often provide its own packing materials and services, but using these will be more expensive than obtaining your own. Keep in mind the quality of the supplies you use must meet the level of protection required for the items to be moved.  Less expensive is not always a good idea.

To save money you may want to consider gathering old boxes for items.  You are going to need a lot of boxes for your move; however, it can be very expensive to go out and buy them all.  Just a small number of brand new boxes could cost you more than $100.  If you want to save money, try to gather old boxes from factories and shops.  You might also want to see whether any of your friends or family members have any spare boxes that you could use.  Although the search will take some time, it will certainly cut down on the expense.

A lot of money can also be saved with a bit of improvisation.  Rather than depending on your moving company you might want to take care of matters yourself and use common materials to pack some of your items.  Blankets are an excellent source of padding, and fragile items can be protected with paper.

Another good tip is to get rid of any items that are no longer of any use to you.  Useless items do nothing but take up extra space and should be disposed of before you move to cut down on the amount of packing materials needed.
