Streamline communication during an office move

Streamline communication during an office move

If you have to move your office within a tight timeframe, just the thought of all the work that will need to be done can be quite overwhelming.  This is unsurprising given that the relocation of a corporate move is often the equivalent of having to move several house packed with possessions.  Without serious communication regarding who has to do what and when, confusion and chaos could easily ensue.

When you move your office, you will obviously want to keep the number of days that it will take to complete the transition to an absolute minimum for the sake of your budget.  This is why it is vital to send emails, memos or texts to all departments in order to make sure that everyone knows when the relocation is taking place.  All staff members need to be aware of the date so that there is no waiting around while they gather their belongings.  If every department is aware of the moving time then personal possessions can be gathered in unison and everyone can move on the same day.

The new office location should be inspected prior to the relocation so that you are knowledgeable about the precise dimension of every room and can pinpoint where items should be placed.  It is also a good idea to check out the elevators in your new building to see if they can be used to move furniture.

Your moving company needs to be told if your new building does not have an elevator so that it can prepare for the difficult tasks of climbing stairs.
