Things to do when moving your home

Moving home can be a difficult process that involves a great deal of hard work.  It can be tough to make sure that everything has been organized for your new home while getting all the loose ends tied up in your old one.  The good news, however, is that moving home does not have to be a daunting experience provided you follow some good pieces of advice and plan carefully.  There are some excellent suggestions that you should follow in order to make sure that your move goes off without a hitch.

Your home loan will probably receive formal approval around four to five weeks before the day of the move of course your situation will determine if this range will vary.  This is the stage at which you will need to either book a truck if you intend to move yourself or book the services of a professional moving company.  You need to find out details such as the overall cost of the move, whether the moving company has insurance, if it offers assistance with packing and unpacking, the procedures that are followed when it comes to deliveries and claims, and what the costs will be if delays in the settlement result in the move having to be rescheduled.  Such delays are actually fairly common, so make sure that you have booked your moving company for about a week after the settlement.  In the event that you are renting, give your managing agent notice.

If you intend to pack your possessions yourself, you will need to buy boxes and packing materials such as packaging tape, permanent markers and adhesive tape.  You should not use newspaper to pad out your boxes as it soils and stains items – plain white paper should be used instead.  Heavier items should be packed in small boxes and lighter items in bigger boxes, which will make it easier to handle them when they have to be moved around.  Every box should be clearly labeled; you should write down what the contents of the box are, note the room that it is destined for, and draw an arrow on the box showing the way it should be standing; this is something that is of particular importance for boxes that hold breakable and fragile items.

Around three to four weeks prior to the relocation you should get any rid of your possessions that you no longer have any need for.  Remember that some goods that you do not require may still be appreciated by your friends, family members or charities, so ask them whether they are interested.  This will also prevent you from having to pay to have items removed, although holding a garage sale is another good method of ridding yourself of these goods.  At this point you should also begin using up any foods that you have stored in your freezer and throwing out kitchen items that have now passed their sell-by date.  Unused items may be donated to a food pantry or neighbor.
