Tips for first time movers

Tips for first time movers

Moving out of the family home for the very first time can be exhilarating, but also very costly.  For many young people this is the moment when the reality of adulthood first really hits home, as when they move into their own home for the first time they will be faced with a long list of vital items that need to be purchased and the realization that they will not have much money left to spare.

That expensive TV or fancy couch is just going to have to wait.  There are far more important things that need to be bought after a move in order for you to thrive and even just function normally.  Toilet paper is not the most glamorous item on your ‘to buy’ list, but it should be at the top nonetheless.

It is also important to have your pantry staples stocked up when you move.  Items such as salt, soy sauce, dry pasta, crackers, stock, spices, coffee, sugar, pepper, tomato sauce, tins of soup, muesli bars, rice and tea are essentials for most people and will at least mean that you are able to feed yourself until your new home has been completely sorted out.

A decent bed is one big furniture investments you should make early on.  Purchase the highest quality base and mattress you can afford.  A good bed should last you for many years and can make a big difference to your overall health and wellbeing.
