Tips for moving into a rental property

Tips for moving into a rental property

Rental AgreementWhen you move into a rental property for the first time there are a number of things that you should do.  Detailed below are some tips that can help you to keep these things in mind and prevent any unpleasant surprises later on.

The first thing you need to do is to check for any signs of damage to the property when you move in and report them so that you do not get the blame for this damage later on.  You also need to make sure that everything is working properly, including the windows, doors, gates and locks, shower, bath, oven, cook top, grill and range hood, fans, power points, phone, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, taps and toilet.

The condition of all fittings and items of furniture, including blinds or curtains, also needs to be noted.  If there are any outdoor areas such as gardens and flowerbeds, these too need to be carefully recorded.  It is a good idea to take photographs of the property to make sure that you have a record of its condition at the time of your relocation.

Everything that you see should be written down and documented, including any marks, chipped paint, stains, or any form of damage at all anywhere within or outside the rental property.  This can be very important to ensure that you will not be held accountable for prior damage at the end of your residency and that you will be able to get your bond back.
