Tips for moving with pets

Tips for moving with pets

Moving with a pet can be complicated due to the fact that the great majority of pets are instinctively fearful of new surroundings.  It is vital to help your furry friend to adapt to their new home as quickly as possible, and there are a number of ways to achieve this.

It is a good idea to transfer your pet’s food trays, kennel/cage/hutch, toys and other accessories to your new home to give your pet a feeling of familiarity.  You should also try to provide special conditions during relocation to make certain that your beloved pet will be completely safe.  The transfer of your pet should be pre-planned, along with the transfer of their accessories, from the moment you decide that a move is imminent.

You should plan out a schedule for the move and make sure that you adhere to it.  You will need to purchase a carrier for smaller pets such as hamsters, guinea pigs, cats or rabbits.  If you have a pet dog that is normally calm and placid in nature, you may simply be able to have him or her in the back of your motor vehicle; however, it is crucial to be aware of the state and local regulations concerning pets, particularly in the case of an interstate move.

A lot of communities today have enacted pet control and licensing ordinances for dogs and cats that limit the number of pets that people are allowed to have.  Get in touch with your local vet for further information.
