Tips to manage an office move

Tips to manage an office move

When the time comes to move your office, there are two primary factors that you need to keep in mind: planning all your requirements in advance and getting in touch with the professionals.  If you can, a comprehensive checklist of tasks to complete and suppliers to work with should be completed up to nine months prior to the actual move, which is also the time that staff members should be instructed to commence a basic clean-up.

Your staff should also be asked to start getting rid of their excess files, unwanted chairs, broken desk parts and other items that would cost extra when you move your office.  Before relocation you should get your document storage provider to take all the storage cartons that are currently stored in your office off-site, as this is something that will save you money in the long term.

Depending on how big your office move is going to have to be, you might want to establish an internal relocation team.  This team should be briefed about your expectations, with assistance sought from other staff when appropriate; for example, the IT department can provide help when it comes to electrical work, computers and telephones.

You need to examine your telecommunications and infrastructure requirements and this is also a very good time to start thinking about upgrading your office equipment, including phone systems and photocopiers.  The workstation and furniture needs of your office should be re-evaluated and an office planner can help to determine what your requirements will be at your new office.
