US may ask humanitarians to pull out of Mali

US may ask humanitarians to pull out of Mali

The US has decided to announce its position on the Mali Coup that has been raging recently.  Humanitarian aid may be given, but any non-humanitarian efforts may cease.  Despite the removal of certain aid, there is also talk about making sure certain humanitarians are safe. They are being asked to relocate to some of the safer areas and to not go into militant zones where the worst of the issues are occurring.  The US had discussions on Thursday about $140 million in security, economic and anti-terrorism funding for Mali; however, the recent coup in Mali has created an issue of support.

The European Union and African Union have already stated that they are against the takeover when the President, Amadou Toumani Toure, was overthrown.  The control of the state and presidential palace was seized during the coup d’état.

The issue of aid is just one of the things on the list in recent months to do with Mali.  Aid has been given to relocate refugees trying to flee from the mutiny in Mali.  The EU and African Union have stated that they will try to re-confirm constitutional rule as soon as possible to help those who have had to move.  Furthermore, colonial power France has suspended any cooperation with Mali.  Toure’s whereabouts are unknown; it is not even known if the president has been harmed.  There were reports that he is under presidential guard at an army camp, but it is still not clear if this is true.

Jon Huser