What are the Advantages of Climate Controlled Storage?

What are the Advantages of Climate Controlled Storage?

In recent years, storage facilities have become very popular.  People relocating temporarily use them.  Students leaving college for the summer use them.  Families waiting for their new home to be built store their belongings in them.  Because so many people are now making use of storage facilities, there are numerous options available and one such feature is climate controlled.

Most storage facilities will charge a little more for climate control, but it is definitely worth it.  But first, you must understand that the definition of climate control varies among different facilities.  Generally speaking, climate control means that the temperature inside the storage unit will not fall below freezing or rise above 90°F.  Always ask what they consider climate control before making a deposit.

Climate control allows your belongings to be protected from the elements – rain, snow, and flooding.  Because these storage units are usually inside a finished building rather than exposed to the outdoor elements, you also have less dirt and dust.  Such storage units are ideal for musical instruments, clothing, and antique furniture.

In addition to having less dirt and exposure to the outside elements, climate controlled full-service storage also allows for atmospheric regulation.  In other words, there will be no humidity within the unit.  This is especially good for wooden furniture that can be severely damaged due to humidity and moisture.  Additionally, because the climate controlled units are inside a building, there is less chance of an infestation by vermin such as rats, mice, and termites.

So, if you value your belongings – and you must if you are even considering storing them – you may want to consider climate-controlled storage!  The best part is, a team of professional movers will pick it up and drop it off for you!