What to do with beauty products when moving

What to do with beauty products when moving

Moving sometimes has a negative image, and moving cross country can be taxing on your bank balance, your stomach and your appearance.  There are a number of beauty products that most women are going to want to keep using while they are in the process of making a move; however, there are other beauty products that they can happily pack away and not worry about while this transition is taking place.

One beauty product that you will absolutely want to keep making use of when undergoing a long distance move is moisturizer.  Your face, hands, lips and skin need moisture and it is therefore important to keep facial moisturizer and lotion handy, and also lip balm.  Dry shampoo is almost self-explanatory and having a little container of this while in the process of moving can be very handy indeed.  At some times during the process of moving, particularly during long distance or cross country relocation, it might not be practical or possible to have a proper shower; dry shampoo will at least enable you to still look presentable.  Facial wash will also be particularly important during the move, as you will almost certainly get dirtier than would ordinarily be the case during your day-to-day life.  Having soap on hand is important for similar reasons; therefore, keep some either in the very first box you intend to open or in your purse.

A nail file is another essential beauty product to keep handy during the process of relocation.  Your manicure is very likely to get messed up during a move, and you may even get a hangnail.  These things will be made a good deal less annoying with access to a nail file, so keep one in your motor vehicle.  Another absolute necessity is sunscreen.

While the above items are vital, there are also a number of beauty products that can be left in your boxes, as they are by no means impossible to do without.  Tubs of body butter are classic examples; they are hardly necessary in ordinary life and can certainly be ignored during the hustle and bustle of the relocation process!  Perfume is another good one to leave out.  The chances are that you are not going to be smelling of roses during the moving process anyway, so now is really not the time to be worrying about perfume.  Many women love and adore their face masks, but at the end of the day they are again not a major priority when you are showering in a motel room after a day on the road and just want to find a towel!

This list will not apply to everybody, of course.  If you need your complete cosmetics bag, there is nothing wrong with this; however, there is also nothing wrong with cutting it down to the bare essentials for the duration of the move.
