The headquarters of an Atlanta company will be moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin. The company relocation will put more than 100 new jobs in Wisconsin and the company, Connecture Inc, will be eligible for tax credits worth up to $1.2 million for creating jobs there. The drawback is that these jobs have to be made in the state in the next three years. The company relocation will occur on March 1st.
A spokesperson stated the move would certainly offer jobs to Wisconsin residents. The company is going to hire as many people as it can before 2012 ends. There is definitely an incentive of tax credits, but it is also an important move for the company.
Connecture produces automation software used in health insurance. The company began as Riverwood Solutions before it merged with Connecture in 2004. The Riverwood Solutions section was already in Wisconsin. It is an important move for the company to get both sections under one roof. Given the facilities in Wisconsin, it makes sense to move everything there over bringing everything to Atlanta.
The tax credits are a part of why the company is going to Wisconsin over Georgia. After all, the tax credits will save the company quite a bit and help them pay for the necessary change. The company will certainly have 100 jobs or more to offer residents, so it will be able to take advantage of the tax credits the governor of Wisconsin has promised.
Jon Huser