Purchasing a home that needs a bit of fixing up can seem like a good...
Packing and storage tips
When you are packing your things in order to put them into storage, there are...
Top Ways to Save Money While Moving
There’s no doubt about it; moving can cost a lot. Sometimes people just aren’t ready...
Home Improvement Stores Changing Things Up
The times, they are a changing and the home improvement retailers know it. One of...
Spring Home Maintenance Checklist
We’re about three-quarters through National Moving Month and summer is almost upon us. So, we’ve...
What Color Homes Sell Best?
If you want to sell your home fast, don’t paint it blue. The color of...
What You Need to Know about Caulking
Did you know that you can significantly cut energy costs by caulking around drafty doors...
With a Little Vision You Can Transform a Home
Let’s face it, not every house on the market is a beautiful dreamscape. In fact,...